Transport Productivity Improvements

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Whatever the current performance of your transport operation, as specialists in productivity improvements, we can guarantee through our extensive data analysis and proprietary “OPTIMIZER” program to optimize your productivity.

Our consultancy services commence with a thorough understanding of your business goals and needs. To set baselines from which to optimise your productivity performance, we initially assess relevant areas of your business such as;

  • audit fleet performance
  • evaluation of all equipment and materials handling
  • logistic operational audits and analysis
  • haul road route evaluation
  • load distribution calculations
  • audit maintenance workshop facilities, processes and service schedules

We will explore all potentially viable options and provide you with the data analysis and comparative evaluations. Our experience combined with our “OPTIMIZER” program will provide you with our recommendation.

A key feature of “OPTIMIZER” is the ability to accurately project optimal performance and predict haulage costs for the Whole of Life Asset using a combination of experience, science and data developed over many years. This will enable you to optimize your vehicles and equipment over their lifetime and conduct feasibility studies on transport operations on site.

To Find Out More, Contact Us →